?? for snap on franchise/buyers


New Member
May 7, 2010
new bern
I got a question for either a franchise dealer or a snap on guru. The snap on guy that deals in my town told me he cant sell tools to any private owners, i.e, someone who works at a shop he doesnt deliver to. I have never heard of this before, and never had a problem in any other town with simply calling him up and meeting him somewhere. Is it true they cant do that and most dealers just want the extra money? or does this guy just hate me...
pm sent
He must just hate you. :cool:
I've never had a problem, in the past, stepping onto a truck that was stopped at a shop and buying what I needed.

Pm snappy on here. He is a Snap-On dealer

Edit: oops, to late
Short answer here... If the customer has an assigned dealer then NO SALE. We do have a list of calls that we have to adhere to but if there is no dealer in that area then its all good.
never seen a tool dealer turn down a cash sale.
We've had a helluva time with tool dealers, Snap-On showed up, but wouldn't warranty any tools, because they weren't purchased from him, well DUH, we just opened the shop in Raleigh, most guys moved in from another shop 45miles away.

MAC, he showed up once at 7:00 AM, there were 2 out of 12 tech's there at the time, said it wasn't worth his time. 10 road techs and 2 shop techs, we always need tools.

Cornwell just wasn't interested,

MATCO is there every week, but his truck is pretty slim pick'ns and if ya really want something it takes weeks to get it if he doesn't have it ( and he usually doesn't )

If I am in need of something, I'll find one during my travels and buy what I need. Never had issue