Ford hp d44 5.13 gear install

offroadin 88xj

Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
I'm regearing my d44 to 5.13s was wonder wats a good amount of shims to start out with and on the pinion is the slinger the only thing that goes between the gear and bearing wat should the backlash be
Slinger goes inbetween the pinion head and the bearing, nothing else.

For carrier bearing preload go with the stock total shim stack. For the pinion you need to look at the original gear and get the checking distance off of it and compare to the new pinion. Adjust the shim stack per the new checking distance as the starting point. I am assuming you are starting with a 3.92+ carrier on the gears you already have.

Pinion Preload New: 12 to 15 in-lbs
Pinion Preload Reused: 6 to 8 in-lbs
Ring Gear Backlash: .006" to .010"
Ring Gear Bolt Torque: 55 ft-lbs
Carrier Bearing Caps: 60 ft-lbs

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