FOU At April 20th FS OHV Trails Workday


Apr 18, 2005
Greensboro, NC
The April 20th workday went very well, IMO. Seemed like Snappy had things pretty well organized, we were out of the Hunt Camp parking lot by 9:30 am and it seems that we made good progress on the FS want list.

We had the FOU equipment in operation for the first time, using the dump truck to distribute hay bales to various trailheads for installation by separate crews. It will hold about 6 pick up truck loads! We took this opportunity to get a few more operators on the approved list. grnsanddemon had been checked off by the SFWDA Heavy Maintenance Crew as an approved operator. He led a short training session for Snappy, biggoofy and JC Saturday morning, before the workday meeting. Then we hit the road for our "behind the wheel" training and certification. With 4 operators on the approved operator list, hopefully we can have at least one at each workday if needed!

The truck did fine although there are still several minor issues that need to be taken care of as well as a couple of things that need to be done before it is used again. There is a wheel cylinder brake line leak that needs to be addressed and we need to get the transfer case to stay in high gear. It would also be nice to have the parking brake working. Getting the side rearview mirrors fixed is definitely a priority IMO. Even with spotter help I want to be able to see when backing!

Thanks to everyone that came out and supported the workday! We had a great turnout, great group of workers and a great spaghetti lunch thanks to Snappy! Hope to see YOU out there next time!
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