Fountain of Youth discovered


Hasnt Seen Dirt in Years
Dec 30, 2005
Winston Salem,2933,529036,00.html

16 year old girl has body of toddler was the headline.

She hasnt aged mentally of physically in over 10 years.

I wonder if her body will go through the same aging and decaying process as a regular person will, or will she die of something else at age of 145?

this is a weird on to think about, i mean, if they find the gene responisible for her mutation and could use the information to alter your DNA at what age would you want to be stuck at forever?
holy crap...if thats not weird enough, as I was looking at the pics from the link, a commercial for the same story came on TV, 20/20 Friday night.
Curious to get more info.
But my bet is - it's not that she isn't "aging" (cells are still dying, body parts will still get old and fail) - just mat maturing.
but WOW i'd love to know wtf is going on w/ her brain.
i can't believe she's 16 and this hasn't become more public before.