Here's my .02 on the matter.
Both are good quality, what brand/logo do you like more?
Are you going to be cycling it through its stroke/really working on it for an extended period of time? If so, I'd go remote resi. If not, I wouldn't worry with it unless you want that bling/panty dropper look.
Remote resi gives you more oil/capacity to help separate out the jumbled up air/oil mix and dissipate heat a little better. Seems mostly if it's working really hard. If it's not going to be cycled and such a lot in a fast manner, I wouldn't worry about it.
As far as threaded and shaft size, that's up to you. Doing as the others have said, I agree it's more bang for buck plus the re-sale ability. And I think most all r/r shocks are rebuildable to an extent. Therefore, you want them on something else later, re-valve etc. but that's going up into King and maybe Fox territory.