Fuel Problems


Active Member
Aug 4, 2009
After putting gas in the rig yesterday, I noticed a fluid rushing sound. Looking at the back axle, I noticed gas pouring down it! I did not top the beast off, I let the pump stop. I was on my way to gt a new grease gun, smelt gas the whole way. When I stopped at the store, I heard a fluid gurgling sound underneath too.

After I put gas in it, the gauge was around the Full area. 38 miles later, I have used a whole quarter of a tank? It has a 17 (I know it's aftermarket, I think I was told 17) gallon tank on it. Before I got it, a new fuel pump was installed...

After driving for a bit today, I noticed a gas smell again... Any ideas?

yeah dont drive anymore until you figure it out
if you saw gas running down the axle you have a leak.
You also have exhaust, brakes, electrcal connections and a few dozen things that could cause a spark..not a fun way to go, id imagine
I wouldn't imagine its a fuel line as it was running out while the pump was not on.

I'd check the the tank for holes, then any of the connections to the tank.
You might start by telling us *WHAT* "rig" you're talking about! Every vehicle has inherent/specific issues and cluing everyone in on that info might go a long ways towards diagnosis...

Lol, you are right, I feel like a doof. It is a 97 TJ Sahara. Right before I got it, the fuel pump had just been replaced. I don't think the previous driver kept a full tank in it before that even.

My thoughts are that maybe the guy replacing the pump might have disturbed some tubing that connects to the pump on top of the tank? Looked like there were a couple of hoses on top of there.

There is no pressure from the tank when you take the gas cap off.
My thoughts are that maybe the guy replacing the pump might have disturbed some tubing that connects to the pump on top of the tank? Looked like there were a couple of hoses on top of there.

There is no pressure from the tank when you take the gas cap off.

My WAG is that the vent line (also connects to the sending unit @ top of tank) may have either pulled off the nipple or has broken/cut/deteriorated. This would let let fuel run out when filling up and prevent the tank from building a vacuum (which is odd since *most* of the OBDII rigs will start throwing codes/SES lamp lit if the gas cap isn't tight on a properly operating system).

Unfortunately, short of hacking out an "access hole" in the tub, your down to siphoning the tank as close to empty as you can get it (1gal or less is my recommendation, since it'll fight you trying to balance/move it around), drop the tank using a board/strap/floor jack (if doing by yourself) and looking at the lines.
If the lines are all connected (no visible cuts/breaks/looseness), grab the sending unit to make sure it isn't loose. Not exactly sure how the TJ sending units are held in place, but if like the XJ/ZJs, there's a plastic collar that threads over the sender that could be broken/crossthreaded or potentially the o-ring is bad.

I had the same issues you listed on my Jeep when the o-ring between the tank & sending unit had broken...

If the lines are all connected (no visible cuts/breaks/looseness), grab the sending unit to make sure it isn't loose. Not exactly sure how the TJ sending units are held in place, but if like the XJ/ZJs, there's a plastic collar that threads over the sender that could be broken/crossthreaded or potentially the o-ring is bad.
I had the same issues you listed on my Jeep when the o-ring between the tank & sending unit had broken...

These seem like the simplest things to check... I will try and get to it after mowing today, daylight permitting Thanks for he help! I'll keep you all posted!