Full Hydro question


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
Hendersonville, NC
And sorry for the kindergarten drawing, I should have let my 4 year old help me
anyway this is how I understand hooking up my hydro lines
View attachment apic19.picturetrail.com_VOL1077_4257543_8937564_300026169.jpg
If I am right starting from the pump, the (orange) pressure line is going to the psc reservoir in and out, and then to the in port of my orbital valve
then the port on the orbital named out is for the (red) return line, through the filter and back to the return line port on the back of the pump
the ports on my orbital are labeled exactly as the picture
anybody agree or disagree or add anything
NO! Pump pressure line should go straight to the orbital. Reservoir is inline from orbital out to pump return.

KC is correct. The way you have it plumed you will blow all your oil into the res. pump straight to oribital. return through the filter (cooler) then tank. Yes you need a cooler.
Many of the reservoirs have a built in filter. PSC, Station, etc...

In that case, it's orbital, cooler, reservoir/filter. #10 line from the reservoir to the pump inlet, keep it short, straight, and downhill (or as many as possible).
Nope, long gone.

I'd try and use something bigger for full hydro though.
shawn from pos offroad steering sent me a diagram that is really nicely done. if someone needs it, pm me with your actual email address, ill send it 2 ya. rob