Have you ever broken your plastic mounting button on your cb mic and have been looking for a replacement with no luck other than ordering one off of ebay for $3 bucks plus shipping? 

Well your in luck, I had a brilliant Idea today while I was pondering my woes while watching NCAA football and having a few
Speaking of beer, for this mod to work, having a brew is kinda necessary, unless you are kind of a slob and have bottles and bottle tops laying around all the time. (like me)
First off, take the top off a select brew of your choice, hopefully you are drinking out of bottles instead of cans, but if not find one and drink it.

Second, punch a hole in the center of it, I used a small phillips head driver with an extention. you will need the small phillips later on anyway.

Boom, hole in cap.

Third, take a pair of needle nose pliers and bend the ridges over so the cap becomes flatter.

Yes! Dont worry if it turns out a little square-ish. I might have done better if this was my first beer.


Well your in luck, I had a brilliant Idea today while I was pondering my woes while watching NCAA football and having a few

Speaking of beer, for this mod to work, having a brew is kinda necessary, unless you are kind of a slob and have bottles and bottle tops laying around all the time. (like me)

First off, take the top off a select brew of your choice, hopefully you are drinking out of bottles instead of cans, but if not find one and drink it.

Second, punch a hole in the center of it, I used a small phillips head driver with an extention. you will need the small phillips later on anyway.

Boom, hole in cap.

Third, take a pair of needle nose pliers and bend the ridges over so the cap becomes flatter.

Yes! Dont worry if it turns out a little square-ish. I might have done better if this was my first beer.