funny stuff here

Dylan W.

lone resident of Bro-Lite Island
Mar 17, 2007
Mocksville NC
This an actual event that took place yesterday at an intersection of a main highway and my road.(true story)
Trust me, you cant make this stuff up!

Ok, I had my jeep at PJ's having a little work done.
Work was completed, so I picked up the jeep and drove it home. Work being done had nothing to do with what happened next. PJ does great work by the way.:beer:

About a mile from my road, I noticed a major drag on the jeep. It was straining and when I let off the gas, it plumb near stopped. Like an anchor was dropped. Then I smelled a familiar smell, of burning brakes. I knew from past experiance that my caliper had siezed up.(pass. side) No problem only a little farther, I said to myself. I turned in to the right and the pass. side slid and squeeled a little.(locked up) I stopped to take a look at it, in the intersection.Just as I looked at the cherry red rotar, the dang thing flamed up, right before my eyes.
I guess it was a little brake fluid , who knows?
Anyway, since i have been getting this jeep trail ready , I had all my safety stuff back at home, meaning no fire extinguisher!
I was about to panic, I had no water in a bottle or any way to put it out.....BUT....I did have to piss like a russian race horse.:bounce2: So in a halfway squatted position, I aimed at the top hole in the wheel and heard the sizzle. It was working, and as I stood there in my own pee steam, I was proud to be a man! I guess an important lesson was learned..... Dont pee before you leave home :rolleyes:
Oh ..Did I mention this was at a busy highway?

Thats good stuff right there! Dylan
Nice one. Back in the day, when one of us would get stuck, the thing to do was to go wee on the stuckee tires. Kinda an incentive thing to not get stuck. I dont know- its juvenile and nasty, but thats the way it was. Looks like you were reliving this a bit.
I had no water in a bottle or any way to put it out.....BUT....I did have to **** like a russian race horse.:bounce2: So in a .... squatted position
Thats good stuff right there! Dylan

You squat to pee?


Dylan, that right there is probably the funniest thing I have heard actually happening in a long time!
Nice one. Back in the day, when one of us would get stuck, the thing to do was to go wee on the stuckee tires. Kinda an incentive thing to not get stuck. I dont know- its juvenile and nasty, but thats the way it was. Looks like you were reliving this a bit.

its called shining someone's tires,
our friends didnt even have to get stuck for us to do it to them. basicaly just have big tires and a big mouth would earn someone the right for us to shine their tires when they turned their backs