GC non-warpable front brake rotors


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
ok, so the MiL lives in the Mtns and firmly believes that you must try to stop immediately!!!, and therefore brings here poor GC to me for brake rotors about 1/ 6 months. Is there a good drilled/slotted rotor that I can get her to buy next time thats not $$$$$$$. $$$ may be ok, but shes used to $. :huggy:
slotted rotors are part of it, get GOOD Ceramic pads as well, CEramic pads will probably set ya ( her ) $60ish for the front, that again for the rear, check Rockauto.com, they have slotted rotors as well ( I used a 98 GC LTD as a referance, slotted rotors were $60ish) Make sure the rear brakes are also adding to the party, may be a partial cause of the problem.

maybe also teach her to let the vehicle roll forward a foot or so after the final stop so there isn't a prolonged heat concentration on one spot of the rotor ( I have seen this etch rotors with the imprint of the pad, part of the cause of braking vibration )
I haven't had a problem with warped rotors in my TJ since I put the 1 ton axles and brakes in. Wife has a ZJ, and the rotors warp about about every 1-1.5 years, and she isn't very hard on the brakes. I just replace them with the cheapest ones possible since none last very long.
Slotted rotors won't help with warping. neither will drilled. Making sure the rear brakes are working is important too. But the fact is, taking XX weight and making it stop in XX feet will always = XXXX heat, no matter what pad or rotor you use... unless you upsize.

Her braking technique needs to change, and, heed voodoo's advice about not staying stopped immediately after a stop... always moving a little is actually best.
maybe also teach her to let the vehicle roll forward a foot or so after the final stop so there isn't a prolonged heat concentration on one spot of the rotor ( I have seen this etch rotors with the imprint of the pad, part of the cause of braking vibration )

Never heard of this, but makes good sense, thanks for the tip!:beer:
Charge her a grand each time she does it. That'll teach her to give some distance while braking.