Gears for a LP 44

Need more information...what carrier (original gearing?) and/or locker are you using?

There are multiple vendors on this board that could save you money on the gears and shipping as opposed to PolyPerformance. PM them or call them up.
'Cperry' comes to mind first...
IDK the original gears. and for now i will not be running a locker. this is a budge build and right now lockers arent in the budge.
IDK the original gears...

As in there are no gears in the housing or you don't know how to figure it out?
Count ring gear teeth number and divide by pinion teeth number. If it's 3.73 or lower (numericaly) then you'll need to buy a new carrier or purchase the 'thick' gear set.
well the axle is sitting at my dads house right now. I bought it and took it there and haven't messed with it since then. Whenever i get back up there or get the axles down there i will find out what gears it has in it now.

Thanks for your help
LP and HP gears are different, as said there is a carrier break 3.73/4.10- --- LP 44 you can run athick cut gear HP 44 youll need a new carrier to run 4.88;s

And as said why shop poly when you have a gear supplier in your backyard that is less money. check website address is in sig.