Get out your tin foil hat.


Doin my part to stir the pot.
Apr 17, 2005
Greeneville TN
This video is goin around and while I try hard not to be a conspiracy theorist or naïve its hard not to think somethins up,esp if half of what he says is true.Kinda long.
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This video is goin around and while I try hard not to be a conspiracy theorist or naïve its hard not to think somethins up,esp if half of what he says is true.Kinda long.

This is absolutely 100% untrue.

And to be honest, any one who spreads this type bull shit should be embarrassed.
This is absolutely 100% untrue.

And to be honest, any one who spreads this type bull shit should be embarrassed.

100% ?? How do you know?? I’m not talking about your gut feeling I talking about real proof.Ballad health furloughed folks just yesterday around here.

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I watched some of this. One thing I can't stand is repetitive talk. My wife and I have a inside joke that goes something like this...

her - I went to Target and got some soap
me- cool
her- yeah, at Target they have the best deals on soap
me- cool
her- also while I was at Target looking for soap I saw [engage selective hearing] blah blah blah blah blah
me - are you getting paid to say Target and soap?

He could have cut down the first 8 mins (which all I watched) by saying, "drink Schweppes Tonic Water and take 50-100 mg of Zinc a day". I couldn't make it another 17 minutes of that.
Here you go.
tin foil.jpg