Get your child tutored? Or do it yourself?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
My wife is thinking about doing some tutoring on the side. She is a 4th grade teacher. I'm wondering what your paying per hour, or what you would pay per hour for 1 on 1 teaching time for your kids.

Thanks CJ
Just last week, our babysitter was asking if I'd tutor her daughter in Math. I'm not a math pro by any means, just good at it and use it a lot in my career. So I did some asking around.
I was shocked at the fees I heard. Many "profesional tutors" around here (e.g., retired/former teachers) charge $40-45 for an hour sesion per child *with up to 3 keds at a time*. That's $120-135 an hour income. To me that seems like an aweful lot. Maybe for 1 on 1 though....

I haven't officially started doing it yet, but here is what I've realized already. Not sure about 4th grade.... but the real time sink is in preparation. In order to be ready fto help the student, you have to be 1 (at least) step ahead of them. Thi means reviewing and making sure you know what they did in class since your last session, and what they have coming. You have to know all teh answers and a way to explain it that (1) jives with their teacher but (2) may be a slightly different way of explaining, since the point of the tutoring is to help out what theyt didn't understand from the teacher.
The point is it's a lot of prep work. So that 1 hour w/ the students could easily be 2-3 hours total. As a teacher your wife will be aware of this aspect i'm sure.
I have heard some teachers literally justify the cost they ask according to their salary; e.g. the county pays me ~$20/hour, i lose 2 hour per session, so that's $40 fee.
Wow, I guess I am lucky. My sons teacher does it for free 2 days a week. I'm sure that is not what you want to hear. She is one of the toughest teachers he has ever had but she means well. He has Dyslexia and ADD so he has a hard time in school. Good luck to her. I think that is a great thing to offer.
She actually already does tutor several of the kids in her class for free. This would be on her time with other kids. Thanks for the responces.

She thinking 25 an hour. Thats more than what she makes per hour as a teacher. And similar to what a couple other teachers apre getting. I'm thinking 50, I just know that when I call anyone for a specialized service, electiction, plumber, etc. I'm gonna pay a minimum of 50 an hour.

I dunno, others?
If you find an electrician for $50/hour let me know. I will buy him and sub him :lol:

We charge 90-150/hr depending on the job, skill required.
charge as much as you can. if kids are doing bad enough and the parents have enough money then she can charge what she wants. She could probably increase her income alot by tutoring. Esp. if she is already a teacher it would be cake.

45-65 hour