Ok so I need to bitch and this seems like a good place as any. My wife just got fired from a manager job she has been at for 6 years. She did a good job and worked 60-70 hours a week sometimes from 0700-0300 or later with a 2 hour break. About a year ago they started saying attendence was down and the corperate heads asked the division managers and then they asked the district managers and so next in line was the general manager. So they started saying that it was her fault that attendence was down. Now keep in mind that we have the like the tird highest unemployment rate in the state. So lots of people dont have the extra money. So they have been being in her back pocket and fired her district manager then fired the new one after a short time. So they found a small mistake that was made and fixed the next day but said because she did not tell anyone up the chain about the mistake that it was grounds for her to be fired. What is with the world today they cover there a$$ by fireing below. Sorry this just happend yesterday and ive been trying to be strong for my wife who is taking it hard and havent had a chance to handle it myself. Now our income gets cut in half and then there is unemployement to deal with. I know this is long . So to Ca**ke Inc I say get bent