Getting rid of bad gas?


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
:lol: No, not that.

I am about to put the new fuel pump into my 98 TA and the tank is about half full. I put the gas in the car over two years ago, so it is probably crap now. What the hell do I do with 8 gallons of old gas? How do I get rid of that?

Anyone want it? FREE!
Use it to kill weeds, or light your charcoal grill.

I usually take it to my local dump that accepts oil and get rid of it. Take it to the landfill and they have a place for it, usually. You may have to pay to get rid of it. auto parts stores usually won't take it
I dunno, people talk about this all the time... but I had a Toy truck sit for 15 months, only cranked 1-2 times. I finally replaced the clutch, cranked that bitch up and drove all over town. No problems.

Seems to me you could just top off the tank w/ some '93 octane, maybe add some octane boost, and run it out.

Or - find some place where grass is growing that you don't want and poor that shit out ;-)

... but in all seriousness, the county has a hazmat recycling place they take stuff like this for free.
I hope it was'nt ethanol laced???. You could siphon it into some tanks and mix/burn it your lawnmower or weedeater etc. Also Wake co. solid waste/recycleing will take it for free, google them and find out where near you.
It is E10. That's the problem, shit is probably like varnish now.

My S-10 had some gas that was about this old in it and I drained the tank into my lawnmower. Gummed up the valve and wouldn't run right till I adjusted the valves and cleaned them out.

If I lived out in the county I would burn it, but I'm in the middle of a neighborhood in North Raleigh. Fire department would be here faster than I could light it. :lol:

I guess I'll try and haul it to a hazmat place.
That shit will turn to goo and you tank/lines fuel pump etc. may be F'd up now w rust and other fun stuff. Have you smelled the bad gas???? ( no pun intended ) :lol: The county will take it for free, you must deliver it to a household chemicals recycling site.
If it doesn't look like molasses and the smell still tingles your nose some, mix it 2 gal max. to a full tank in the blazer and run it. I wouldn't try to run it in a late model vehicle.
Add a can of Sea Foam and run it.....
I've got an empty 5 gallon can and might be able to find another one. If you are available this Saturday, I can come by and pick it up.