Honestly, your first and second tickets are freebies. No insurance points (raised rates) and no where near $300! If you make $300 in the half day (if that) that you are there, then go for it. If not, here's what you do.
Go to court, be there early, go to the DA and he will automatically reduce the speed to 9 over. You don't even have to ask for it he just does it for everyone, even those that are WAY over the limit. (20-30 mph over) you go before the judge and plead guilty to that charge. He says "OK you pay the court costs, ($125 or so) and a $10 fine. Pay the nice lady in cash (cause they ONLY take cash) then you are free to go. Should you get another ticket in the next 3 years, go back to court, the DA reduces it to 9 over but this time you have to use a Prayer for Judgment (PJC) This only costs you court costs and NO fine. The third one in less than 3 years after that one costs you because the PJC ticket and the new one hit your insurance companys desk. Also remember there is a difference between license points and insurance points. You get 1 license point per ticket, but for 9 or less over (or and PJC) you get no insurance points.
Interesting tidbit. I went downtown Winston to get my gun permit, on my way out of downtown (while trying to figure out where the hell I was and how to get out of downtown reading directions) I managed to run a red light. I hit a guy in the front fender of his car. Yada yada, I fessed up got all the info etc, got the ticket for running the light etc. I go to court to pay up, and the DA goes did you take care of the accident? I tell him yea my insurance paid to fix the other guys car. It's all good. He says OK you're done. No money, no payment nothing. I didn't even have to pay court costs. Weird, I guess they figure your insurance company is going to get all the money. (Which they do).