Girl tried to troll me on tinder (nsfw)

This chick is blowing my phone up again so I looked this up to see those screenshots.
Pretty damn funny. Bare in mind I haven't seen her in months.
Way to go Eric. Hook the psycho stalker.
Lol well I might post some more screen shots. Haha. Well see about the tits part. Haha
allysa 1.png

allysa 2.png

allysa 3.png

Those are from new years eve, same chick as the other screenshots. There is one missing, can't find it in my phone, it was just me telling her not to bring me up because I denied anything ever happened to most people and that I had a new girl and didnt want drama. Had not heard from her in a while because she told me I made her hate herself and that if I wasn't going to stop "Hanging out with other girls" to not bother her anymore. So I didn't...
Went out to eat with Joy and her daughter, when I left I posted something on facebook and the whole thing starts again.
fb 1.png

Moral of the story... Don't fuck 18 year olds.
allysa 4.png
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^^This makes me wish I saved screenshots! Or kept a phone long enough to rack up the good stuff hahahaha
I used to screenshot/save the "compliment" texts I'd get. However photo bucket was not amused :lol:
Lol. You should see the rest of the strawberry shortcake conversation... Its basically porn.

Then she wonders why I don't get anything done at work and have to stay over... lol