dtripp New Member Joined Jan 26, 2007 Location pittsboro Nov 4, 2007 #1 Can i put a gm241 into my TJ.
paradisePWoffrd Recovering Project Junkie Joined Nov 5, 2005 Location Newton, NC Nov 4, 2007 #2 i think its possible but you will haveta change the input of the chevy 27spl unit to a jeep 21 or 23 spl one... also make sure the 241 is driverside drop and not passenger side...
i think its possible but you will haveta change the input of the chevy 27spl unit to a jeep 21 or 23 spl one... also make sure the 241 is driverside drop and not passenger side...
Jeff B Thanos was right Joined Dec 23, 2006 Location Lincolnton N.C. Nov 5, 2007 #3 ding, ding, ding, winner! I have done this before let me know if I can help