Going into old-man mode?

I might be a woman? I can never get my brain to just nothing. The closest I can get is to concentrate on "idle" subjects. Basically have to think of relaxing things, like splitting wood or driving the tractor. I never can seem to get to off... Unless I'm super tired and then I'm just immediately to sleep.
I'd say most of the time when I'm driving a tractor or splitting wood, that is my "nothing". I'm not thinking, just executing mindlessly (in a good way). My head is at peace.
I'd say most of the time when I'm driving a tractor or splitting wood, that is my "nothing". I'm not thinking, just executing mindlessly (in a good way). My head is at peace.
Exactly, but it's still not quite "nothing". It's as close as I can get though.
I might be a woman? I can never get my brain to just nothing. The closest I can get is to concentrate on "idle" subjects. Basically have to think of relaxing things, like splitting wood or driving the tractor. I never can seem to get to off... Unless I'm super tired and then I'm just immediately to sleep.
This is the nothing.....the women however turn this into maximizing a to b or such. Women tend to take the here and now to what we need latter with the demand of the present. Men just figure what the first step is and focus on that in progression.

Idle time equal opportunity for women. Men well, it's digestion of the next step.

And I've had a beer or few......