I'll be honest with you all. I know alot of you probably see my posts and roll your eyes and I get it. Sometimes I feel like I am all over the place and the truth is, this is just a great outlet for me. I don't have a ton of people that I can reach out to that I feel can really help with things sometimes. Sure, I have friends who will listen and respond with "Dang, that sucks" and then they want to move on to the next thing. So, I know that all of you are unbiased and will tell me the truth no matter how hard it may be to hear, and I appreciate that. I think I am at the stage in life where I'm not old but I'm not young either and I sort of feel like I'm stuck in between those two feelings. I have days where I feel like I don't get enough time with my family and it makes the wheels start turning on how I could accomplish that and still make a living. Obviously doing something online where its just me and maybe my wife (please don't say OF) lol creating something or whatever. Some days I feel like I need to remove myself from the outside world for a minute, just to focus on me instead of being Dad, husband, brother, friend, employee, and whatever other roles I play on a daily basis. So I apologize if my posts seem frequent and just sort of all over the place, I guess this is sort of my therapy in a sense and I think even typing some of this stuff out is therapeutic for me.