Golden Mountain

Yea ill be there sweating it out in a tent myself. Looks like it may be a little soggy (i hope not)
I tried to condition myself by camping in the rain at AOP last weekend, needless to say I was ordering a fan for the tent off Amazon after the first night :laughing:
Wheres everyone plan on camping? Last time @Stuntman Autoworks and I went, we camped where i marked below. It was a good place but we had a dude with a loud ass generator running for his camper...
Wheres everyone plan on camping? Last time @Stuntman Autoworks and I went, we camped where i marked below. It was a good place but we had a dude with a loud ass generator running for his camper...View attachment 421636
Camped there in 2017


But only because no one was there that weekend. Usually it's full up.

Every other time we camped at Pav 3


Just a heads up, there's ONLY 2 showers for men and 2 showers for women that will be functioning. (for 400 rigs)
I have never been, is one camp area better than the other?

I'm mentally prepping myself for generators, loud bro country and SXS throttle blips all night :laughing: . That reminds me I need to grab a handful of ear plugs from work.
I have never been, is one camp area better than the other?
Where he has circled in red begins the climb up the mountain. It's not Kairos steep, but it's steep. Campground road and around the circle track have seemed to always be packed and mostly groups. And it's open down there. Up top at pavilion 3, 4 & 5 you're in the woods so it muffles the genny noises better.

Here are some pics around Pav 3 at the pond


And here is down by the track

Unfortunately something came up last night so I wont be able to make it. Ya'll make sure to post plenty of pictures for me.
