Good for him!!!!

Ive seen the changing of the guard a few times, and have never heard people talking, much less laughing. WTF? Man people just have no respect anymore.
That man needs a metal.....
Good for him! It seems like today lots of people do not have respect for things they should.
We went there hundreds of years ago when I was in school.
They also ask you to remain standing ..... a kid from another group sat down only to have the guard stop right in front of him and do the same thing ...... Great to witness, woulda hated to be the kid.

Just shows where our country is/is going. At least they STFU. How could you even enter that place and not simply know to not be an ass?
lol, a racking of the bolt would of made an awesome statement.
Some people in this country no longer have any kind of respect for anything or anyone. Pathetic, would have liked to see him hit that person with the butt of the rifle though, would have served him right.
unfortunately i dont think this is a rare occurrence. When i went with school a few years back the same thing happened more than once.