good guy/bad guy


Sayer of Fact
Jan 12, 2007
Maiden, NC
SC man who bought $540 in Girl Scout cookies arrested on drug charges

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just just because he's a drug dealer why can't he be a nice guy to? I bet before it's over they will give that man his money back for those cookies.
Yeah, he's both. He's a good guy for buying them cookies, but he's a bad guy for depriving other people of buying them. Also, drugs are bad, but so is not paying the bills. A brother is screwed either way, so at least he helped some white chicks out along the way.
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It never occurred to me that buying girl scout cookies could be a great way to launder money until now...
And how exactly would it be laundered?
The key to laundering money is to shift it around so the source is untraceable and a person mysteriously, suddenly having a bunch of it doesn't seem that strange or mysterious.
In this case... use piles of cash made from Mexican drug sales to buy loads of cookies. Then slowly sell cookies off overt he coarse of the year, when they aren't available but are inevitably still in high demand.
Works especially well if you happen to have a little girl in your home. Nobody who's familiar w/ the cookie racket would think it at all weird for you have a big stockpile laying around.
The quality and shelf life of the new GSC ain't what it used to be.
yeah, when they stopped making them out of real girl scouts the quality went downhill...
I understand how money laundering works, I have watched plenty of Ozarks :lol:

With buying and selling GS cookies you're not generating a "profit" for you the actual seller. The key to laundering is selling a good or service on paper that you can then receive money for and make it look clean. Buying and reselling GS cookies is too close to a 1 to 1 money in money out ratio for it to work. You would have to have multiple troops "selling" cookies to generate enough "profit" to clean any sizable amount of cash. Then there's the problem of getting the clean cash out of the troop and into your hands where you could actually use it.