Good job, DMV.


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
DMV error costs thousands of NC drivers their licenses ::

This has been happening for years actually. I had it happen way back in college when I had a ticket that I had paid a lawyer to take care of, but the DMV never finished it and I eneded up with a clear driving record and a suspended license. Ended up in handcuffs because of it. That's a longer story. :lol:
Dam I thought I was the only one that had screw ups like that.

No handcuffs for me, but had to go to DMV and retake the driving test and everything
Then still had to pay court costs for "driving on a suspended license"
Mine came from them showing I underpaid a previous ticket by less than a dollar

composed by one monkey on one typewriter
Decades. I got caught by faulty paperwork by them and wound up getting arrested. Luckily, I had my receipts for the paid ticket, so the case was thrown out (driving with a suspended license). I don't remember having to pay to restore my privileges but it was 22 yrs ago