Good to know...

redneck grrrl

That girl
Mar 12, 2007
Dudley Shoals, NC
My dear, eloquent friend XYZ so eloquently explained exactly some people in my life...well, were in my life .... gone now. Had to share her wisdom....

"You should google "narcissism." Once you recognize it in a person it helps you understand that their world really is ALL about them. They don't really do things to YOU, they do things that benefit themselves. You are interchangeable. You are just the person who dared to challenge them. It is not LISA they are being this way to, it is "person who didn't do what I wanted, and I am always supposed to get my way." It's their world, you're just living in it. They don't see you as LISA, they see you as an extension of themselves that is supposed to act in a certain way that benefits them. When you have expectations of them, BOOM! , expect fireworks. You can't change a narcissist, you can only decide to what level you are able to allow them in your life. They are mean, petty, sad little people who think YOU DESERVE their passive aggressive retaliations against you for having the nerve to upset the delicate little apple cart that is their ego. Seriously, google it. It may not be what you are dealing with, but if it is, then learning about it gives you the power to deal with it so that it doesn't destroy your heart. It is easier when someone is just plain mean to you, but this kind of person hides behind passive aggression."

Just thought I would share.
I think everybody is narcissistic to some level. At the end of the day, when you actually break it down...there are very very few people who actually give a rats ass about whether you succeed or putting your needs above their own or actually want you to tell them the truth. Sure you may have a lot of friends, but I bet the majority of them are around because they benefit in some way (social status, free beer, you were the better option than picking out window treatments) or some how feel obligated to have your back (they owe some money, you helped them fix their car, etc). Everybody is looking out for themselves, survival of the fittest. But, where I did think your friend nailed it is...just because very few people actually have your best interest at heart, doesn't mean you can't hang out...just means you have to orchestrate when/how you can tolerate them and in how big of a dose.
It's that thought of "I'm going to give my child everything I didn't have" mentality..... It's ok if you make them earn and respect what they get, but let's face it, how many parents are gonna do that? It's just easier to buy kids off, than to raise them with respect and common decency.
It's that thought of "I'm going to give my child everything I didn't have" mentality..... It's ok if you make them earn and respect what they get, but let's face it, how many parents are gonna do that? It's just easier to buy kids off, than to raise them with respect and common decency.

Oddly'll never get a parent to admit to that...and it's never their child, it's everybody else's. I coach youth and middle school football, it always amazes me that the parents with the worst kids are usually the ones that bitch the loudest at how bad this generation of children is.
Hmm, has someone been watching my life. I definitely have one of these at home and she has successfully lived up to all of the above and again succeeded in raising her 1st and 2nd born to be the same.

Just hope I can have enough influence on the child we share to avoid being out numbered 4 to 1...