Good uses for wedding dress


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
Well after 15 years of marriage and lugging around a giant-ass box w/ my wife's dress in it, she finally said, "Do we really need to keep this thing?" I'm thinking Hell No. I could store camping equipment in the space this thing takes up!

I think it's funny how many people say, "I want to save it for my daughter to wear", yet I have NEVER seen a woman wear her mom's dress o_O.

I do like the idea of some kind of sentimental keep-sake, especially if it's something actually useful, I've read of people making pillows or small table covers, or cut up and uses as decoration for photo albums...

then of course there's the "lets have fun trashing it" approach.

She's suggesting donation, but lets be honest, who the f$ck is going to want a dress that was gawdy even in the late 90s, and also happen to be only 5' tall? Seems unlikely to be used.
I like the keepsake idea, maybe a piece of it as a backdrop on a photo collage(sp) or something like that, and there are dress recyclers out there too. Or fire a big fire......
If no stains o_O, craigslist to the rescue. Gotta be a midget looking to get hitched somewhere up there.
Just showed this to my wife and her reply was so I guess you expect me to get rid of my prom dress also.

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The ex had a bear made out of hers.....
I have one cousin who wore her mom's dress, but it was also her grandma's and all the aunts and cousins have worn it or may still. She actually had it altered a bunch, so it looked nothing like what her mom wore in the early 80s. I considered using my mom's veil, but veils and beach weddings don't mix well.

If the dress could be altered (long sleeves or decorations to cut off, etc.?), it's more likely to sell on CL or even etsy. Even still, you won't get any money for it, you'd be better off donating it and claiming it on taxes.
I left my ginormous dress at my parents' house but I've joked about sending it to Africa for mosquito net! Only other thought was to cut a swatch for a hanky.
If the dress could be altered (long sleeves or decorations to cut off, etc.?), it's more likely to sell on CL or even etsy. Even still, you won't get any money for it, you'd be better off donating it and claiming it on taxes.

Looks like going (or asking) CL around here is about $250-300.
Which, given our low-ass new-college-grad budget and 15 years inflation, actually is a more than we paid for it.o_O
If you can get that and don't have to spend an inordinate amount of time or effort in the process, go for it.
Spray it with flame retardant and let @dylan w wear it in the Bro-Lite race.

Edit: Never mind, you said your wife was 5' tall, too long for Dylan.
Do an ice bucket challenge in it. You could be internets famous.
We still have my wife's dress around here somewhere ..... I think ..... but truthfully, there's been 3-4 others to borrow the dress since she bought it new.

The worst for us ... she used to teach elementary school ( now FoTech) and she kept every. stinkin. piece. of. classroom. stuff from her 4th grade ...... takes up 1/2 the freakin' basement.

Post us up some Drag Queen photo's for NC4x4???:shaking:

Can't believe it hasn't been said yet...


Well darn, its just too bad that those days were well before the ubiquity of digital cameras and cell phones...