GoPro mounts and locations?


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
Got a GoPro for Christmas. What types of mounts and locations are you using for trail rides, mountain biking, and kayaking?
I have a bar mount I use in the race car and the buggy, but on the nose of the buggy everything looks flat. I like the incar videos of my shifting and whatnot, I usually mount it in the center of the vehicle overlooking the gauges and out the front of the veh. I don"t enjoy first person or POV videos myself. I prefer to turn the camera on, hand it to the passenger and then hit some stupid shit!!
I would post some videos but my computer is down that has all my GoPro videos and I can't figure out how to embed Facebook videos.


This is my favorite mounting location but it is unruly, I want to build a spring loaded bracket to mount the camera at some point but even then it wouldn't be something that you could just hook on and wheel normally.


This also makes for a pretty cool shot, and you can watch the live preview on your phone and get a nice look at what's going on under your rig.