Government in action


Rarely serious.
Dec 29, 2010
That's about the way it is man! There's managers for every little thing in a company! Too many chiefs not enough indians!
They were going to start putting kickstands on shovels so they could stand up by themselves... Management squashed the idea quickly since it would limit the managment training program.
HA! I work for a company that is mostly funded by the "gubment", and I can say it is pretty much that way.
After your 90 day probie period you get shirts with up-side-down pockets
HEY I work for the government.
This isn't a correct depiction.

There should also be a guy who makes everybody stop working every month for some kind of BS training on anti-dicrimination, security with your personal items, or bald eagle awareness.
also....there are only white males in the picture.
Why ya gotta' bring race into this? I guess you didnt know that I am a 6'3" 275 pound proud black man, did you? The only thing that kept you from being black, was I didnt meet your momma sooner. Where you live at? We need to talk.
Why ya gotta' bring race into this? I guess you didnt know that I am a 6'3" 275 pound proud black man, did you? The only thing that kept you from being black, was I didnt meet your momma sooner. Where you live at? We need to talk.
He's not being racist man, but at most DOT offices (which I say since they are digging a hole in pavement) there are alot of black people in both management and "Mike" positions. No reason for you to get upset unless of course you just got fired like "Mike".:rolleyes:
there wasnt anything racist about my comment. jeeez, even the ones that pretend to be black fly off the handle at even the HINT of racism! :fuck-you:

i was simply observing that it couldnt be a government job....there are too many white males. In order for it to comply with PC standards, there would need to be a more ethnic and gender diverse make up of employment.
That can't be gubment workers in the pic. They'd have a 10' trenchbox stuffed into the shallow hole, hardhats, orange vests, caution tape,cones, barricades blocking off the whole street 18 caution signs, a huge excavater digin a 2' deep trench, a team of dumptrucks idleing in line etc., when they could have just snaked the pipe to unclog it!!:huggy: I do respect state workers here in N.C., they seem to be getting screwed these days. Keep up the good work I know alot of you do for crappy pay.