Government study


Endeavoring to persevere
Sep 26, 2011
Rural Apex n.c.
After reports of alarming numbers of dead Crows found alongside roads in many northeast states a special study was commisioned by the Federal Highway and Turnpike Authority to find the cause. Avian Flu was suspected so teams from the dept. of HHS and the Centers for Disease Control studied the carcasses of 1754 dead crows and after several months concluded Avian flu was not the cause. It was noted that almost all the dead Crows autopsied had various colors of paint on their beaks and claws. Another study was undertaken by the EPA whose analysis of the paint showed all the paint came from impacts w motor vehicles and that 98% of them were trucks. Another study by a team of Ornithological behaviorists finally concluded after almost a year of research that the reason most all of the dead Crows were killed by trucks was because the Crows always had a lookout Crow in a nearby tree to watch for and warn the feeding Crows of approaching danger, and while all the Crows could shout CAW!! CAW!! CAW!!.........

.......none could shout truck.
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An old farmer gets in a fender-bender at a rural intersection. State trooper comes out to investigate, and starts asking questions. He says to the farmer "Didn't you see that yield sign back there?" The old farmer replied "Yep, sure did. And I yield and yield as loud as I could and that feller still come out in front of me!".