

Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
OK, to begin with, I have never used one, touched one, and only saw a few. I barely know what GPS stands for! But I know some of what they can do. Me, I am interested in using one for mapping trails, and so on. I would like to be able to map it, however that is done, come home and down load into my PC.

So my question is this. What name, model and so on will do this for me. I am not wanting to drop a load into it. Just another toy I guess.
I have the standard etrex by Magellan, it is the basic starter, $99 at Walmart deal...

If I had it to do again, I would get a step or two up and buy the one with the electronic compass, there are some other nice stuff but that is the one feature I really wish I had.

The reason is...when you set a waypoint...and you are WALKING...the gps will point towards that way point. However if you stop, turn a little bit or whatever the arrow doesn't "stay pointing" in the right direction. You must start "walking" again for it to reset itself, highly annoying imho...(especially in the woods where the reception isnt so good)

Another feature I would like to have...some of them ALSO "listen" for signals from land based stations to keep themselves on track...they are a little more accurate sometimes, again in heavy tree cover the satellites are a bit flaky...

There ya go! (Color is cool...maps are cool...but not nesc "needed" for my purposes)

Sam Hinton