Grand Cherokee Headlights not clear


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
The wife's 2002 Grand Cherokee headlights look like :poop:. I am surprised we can see at night when driving it. Anybody had the same problem? What did you do? From a distance, they just look milky, but if you get real close, it actually looks like thousands of tiny cracks on the inside of the headlight. I think there may have been a post about this in the past, but I searched and couldn't find it.
Flitz it! Buff off the oxidation.
H a haaa...beat me to it, because I was going to say the exact same thing.

Check out that Flitz! Info-mercial stuff
I guess for $13, I'll try it. But I swear that if you look close, it looks like tiny little cracks inside. I guess looks can be deceiving.
I tried the Flitz on my girls 2002 GC. It looked good for about 5 minutes. Maybe there is another product out there, but Flitz didnt work for me. I think I may have to replace them.
Apparently that's a really common problem with WJs. I saw a writeup once where a guy used linseed oil to fix it and it worked perfectly. I don't remember where I saw the thread. You can get the oil cheap at Lowe's and apparently all you have to do is rub it on and polish it and lee it harden. .
Take it to a Gemini Goodyear, they have a service for it. I am not sure of the cost, but I have seen it and it looks new, and it lasts.
Find a body shop near by and have them wet sand with like 2000 grit and clear. Your lights are actual "sun burnt", clearing them will make them look new and keep out the uv that kills them. I've have serval sets done(old f body stangs were the worst). If you want tinted ones tell them to add a couple of drops of black paint in the clear to tint it!