Great Driving Videos, Post them up

I know this is a repost but it's pretty awesome,hey how do you get the video to show up in your box instead of just the link???
When using the Youtube button in the post box, In order to get the embeded player to work you have to put the string of letters/numbers thats in the address bar of the URL for the youtube video.

Here is an example, just whats after the =

You have to becarefull, because if its a linked or already embedded video it will look like this

You just need to copy the section In the box.

It will look like this when your done (before you click post)

Hope this helps every one.
You are a genius!!!!!
Ken Block videos are awesome, but he can't hold a candle to Sebastien Loeb, best driver of all time as far as I'm concerned. WRC is killing Block
^^ exactly. Block's filming/vid editing team derserves as much credit as he does. Plenty of hints that these are done over many takes and shots... they do a great job of giving the impression that he's just driving all the way through, but watch closely - it's impossble.
The real test is in WRC etc... but that dosn't sell shoes.
Here is one of me going down Fireman's Hill in Colorado. The obstacle has been featured in several off-road magazines and has swallowed tons of rigs. Doesn't look bad, doesn't feel bad, then whoomp! Over you go!

*Don't put your hand on your roll cage

*Just let off the brakes, etc etc.

I know.
Wow very cool on Fireman's Hill
Greg Norton(donkeystompit on here) @windrock before the race car suspension, Greg Stone bitchin in the background:lol:
This Thread has become my 6 year old son's favorite thing to look at on my laptop:Rockon: