Greensboro WAR of the WADS


Owner opperator Of WarriorWelding LLC.
Jan 6, 2008
Chillin, Hwy 64 Mocksville NC
Hung out at this cross fit competition today with the wife. I have a new respect for the BOX. These people were pretty fit all over. One or two of the WOD's required allot of all body fitness and motor skills. I don't feel nearly in shape as I assumed I was before attending. All levels and ages where present.

AS a bonus I haven't seen that much spandex and yoga pants wearing fit chicks in one place my whole life. I thought my wife would be upset but she was pointing out half of em and the bodies they were maintaining.

I think I will eat some more, have a beer and reflect. My wife can have the box, I will continue to admire the results....
Crossfit hasn't peaked yet, but it's day is coming.

I agree with most of it. But, the risk for injury is pretty high. My wife loves it too.
No pics....

didnt happen
She can point and I can do my best not to ooooooogggglle but a phone pic and she would be cross fitting my ass.
yep that is the place, and that ref with the lime green shirt with the sweat shirt tied at the waste and her buddy running around with a camera was smokin hot.

And fellas I gotta give props to the little wife, she's lost over 35 lbs and is getting a bit harder to wrestle with.......I am proud of my chick, she says she feels better and looks forward to more of our outdoor adventures because of it.
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huh? my bad grammer or spelling? WADS: work out of the day. IN crossfit language.

WAR of the WADS was the event title, sorry if it was unclear.
huh? my bad grammer or spelling? WADS: work out of the day. IN crossfit language.

WAR of the WADS was the event title, sorry if it was unclear.

No worries, just things that exist in this world that I have absolutely no familiarity with at all!
What is the name of the gym? Alot of people were representing. Alot of tee shirt logos and little spoofs on them. My two favorites were, "cupcakes and barbells" and "hope your day is as nice as my ass".
Both well placed.
Only if you don't know how to keep your ego in check.

Had a few from my gym in there. Haven't heard how they placed yet.

My concern is mostly with spotting or the lack there of. The recent WOD was a max squat. No spotters, no safety racks, nothing. That's just not safe.
My concern is mostly with spotting or the lack there of. The recent WOD was a max squat. No spotters, no safety racks, nothing. That's just not safe.
From the outside looking in...I can see how that might be a fear. But when you load up heavy shit (relative to your ability) half-way consistently I think you'd find just how comfortable you can be under something you know you might not stand back up with. It's pretty easy to bail out of a front squat, back squat, overhead squat (bench press, sure...get a spotter...but we don't do that alot). As a matter of fact, we make newer people practice the bail before each max day. There's also a little more effort put in to the lift when you know it's all on you.

And to cut the debate short...I sell CrossFit for a partial I gots answers for 'em all...:flipoff2: