Guitar repairs


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
Who's got a good recommendation for guitar repair? Prefer within 2-3 hours of Raleigh area. Need some serious work on an acoustic.


There used to be a guy at The Music Barn in Greensboro that was great. I believe it was Denny Lash. Either way, if you can track down Denny, you've got your man.
I don't know if they do repairs, but Harry's Guitar Shop on Glenwood Avenue might know who does.
There used to be a guy at The Music Barn in Greensboro that was great. I believe it was Denny Lash. Either way, if you can track down Denny, you've got your man.

Denny Lash might be at Jackson Music on Startford road in Winston. I recommend him very highly. Call Jackson Music and ask them.
Good call, Clay. I know he was there years ago when he built my bro's electric, but I'd heard he had moved around. Jackson should be able to get you where you need to go, though.