Gulches Birthday Party Event May 7th


Gulches ORV Park Waterloo SC
Aug 16, 2010
greenville sc
This will be the biggest anniversary event so far and maybe the biggest event of the Gulches schedule. Every year this event gets bigger. The Gulches Scavenger hunt is probably the most fun most talked about event of the year. We hide 30 little tags in trees on the easy and intermediate trails. Find one and it's number correlates to a prize. Bring it to the office and get your gift. Top 3 prizes are cash starting at $100.00. No camping will be allowed Friday night May 6th. (no head starts) So get in Saturday early before they all get found.

Cost is the regular Saturday admissions.

The Renegade 4x4 Club is offering free Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, and Tea.
And Birthday Cake

Of course the park will be open to trail riding all day.
That sounds like a good weekend to come down. I will mark it on the calender.
Dang this is our clubs workday to get ready for the spring event and the ride#2 is my daughters wedding! We will make it that way soon!
Happy Birthday to Gulches and let there be many more!!!!!!!
Me and xjfreakho are gonna try and make this one. Just depends on how the paychecks look.