"Hair-a-thon for Haiti" February 21st

Isn't past your bed time old man? Jut kidding see you there.
Getting close!!!!! A week from this Sunday!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!
Also to update you guys, hope ya checked out the LKN news area of the Charlotte Observer yesterday where we had an article done on us! And two, we are also having a raffle every 30 mins of the cut-a-thon we have some awesome prizes that include: free month of tanning, gift cards to restaurants, 2 free passes to the BDB Farm Spring Event, local vets donating food/dog supplies, one free night stay at Wildlife Woods Campground, gift cards to dept. stores, spa/hair products and much more!

We also have a DJ set to come out!

Hope to see you guys there! :beer:
Alright guys Fox news is coming out Sunday at 3 to do a story on us! Come on out and be famous! haha See you Sunday!
Come check this out if you can!
Free pizza also.
Jenn has put alot of effort into this, don't know where she gets it from.:Rockon:
Awww...How sweet....Anything for these little people, their smiles sucker me in...Had a blast.. Untangled Salon did a wonderful job!!!!