Ham hocks and Collard Greens!!


Endeavoring to persevere
Sep 26, 2011
Rural Apex n.c.
Funny and timely because we had an argument this week at work about Collard Greens, Ham Hocks vs. Bacon. Seems like the NC guys preferred bacon, which is the wrong answer, and the other Southerners from other States like me preferred ham hocks, which is the correct answer. Even the couple of Texans we have prefer ham hocks. The Yankees just went "huh"? BTW those look mighty tasty.
I like'm w any kind of Pork if they're fresh picked,washed and chopped. I did cook 2 huge chopped yellow onions in bacon grease before adding the hamhocks and potlikker. Smoked Hamhocks-Hog jowls or salted sidemeat freezes better than bacon IMO. I usually use sliced country ham hocks rendered down before the pot likker is added, but wanted to cut some of the salt this time and the smoked hocks were perfect. Salt can be added later to the bowl or with some Franks or other hotsauce.