Hand Throttle?


Powered by Uranium-235
Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
Interested in trying a hand throttle on the TJ. Have you guys successfully used bicycle cable/lever, or just spend the $30 and buy one from Rubicon Express?
If your tj has cruise control you may be able to use the factory cruise with four relays and a toggle switch. Search mallcrawlin.com for the wiring diagram. I had a bike shifter on my 78 f150 but didnt like it so I swapped in a cruise servo from a 94-98 grand cherokee. I basically reverse engineered the diagram from mallcrawlin since I didnt need to hook it up and keep factory cruise operational.
If I ever owned a manual trans rig, this would be the first thing I did to it. With a brake lever rather than bike gear shifter.

I thought the brake lever works pretty well. The gear shifter worried me as far as it sticking and not returning. I use mine more as a cruise control on the trail, If your easing down the trail it easy to just us it instead of using the peddle which tends to be jerky with the bumps in the trail. I may try to source a smaller brake lever mine can be in the way at times.
thanks guys, I had searched on here and not found that earlier thread, guess I got distracted. I'm going to read thru those and then decide which way I want to go. I had not thought about hooking it to the pedal.
Tater just hooked up a hand throttle on his CJ7 using $10 worth of NEW parts from a local bike shop...

- Ratcheting shifter (no detents) w/ 6' cable
- Med-grade Teflon lined sheathing (read: not the goldplated "pro" mtn. biker stuff) + ferrels
- "Help!" brand cable stops
- scap metal for carb side bracket

Appeared to do him well at URE Friday.

I'd actually bought enough to do both our Jeeps + extra long "tandem" cables. I wanted it for OBA use only (automatic), but since my TBI ECM has an "AC" input that will raise the idle to whatever variable I program, will likely NOT install it. Guess he'll have a few spares now :lol:
I just got through putting a"posi lock" on my xj. Napa has a very high grade throttle lock cable for around $26 and they also have cable locks (2 in a pack) for around $3 for pack. Info on the available cables, they have a 5 or 6 footer or a 9 footer, both the same price!:alien: