Happy Thanksgiving!

Your Hot Dog Guy!

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
A safe and happy Thanksgiving to every one! A special thanks to the Moderators on the board! Some times we forget that if it weren't for them,we wouldn't be here! Thanks guys and gals!
Thanks, Terry, and x2!

Are you doing all the cooking or do you get a break? ;)
Turkey Dog's Tommorrow ??
Thanks, Terry, and x2!

Are you doing all the cooking or do you get a break? ;)
As a matter of fact we have some friends that have no family, just so happens he is a chef in the best resturant in Winston-Salem! Voted 2nd in NC. We ain't having turkey dogs!
This started out thanking the mods and evrybody! Having a safe Thanksgiving........NOT ABOUT ME!
Happy Turkey day folks, Thanks to the mods, and all who have helped make this board what it is, and for the upcoming improvements. We celebrated this past weekend, but I will definately be heating up some leftovers today. :beer:


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may we all get plump like the bird and give countless thanks to the many people who have surrendered their lives for us... Happy Thanksgiving all
To all my friends I have made here on this board, and because of this board, Happy Thanksgiving to some of the biggest turkeys I know! Stay clear of the fryers and ovens!
Gobble Gobble everyone.

Who here popped there on turkey or is everyones' store bought?

I'm thankful for an excellent forum that we can use to meet others and enjoy company on the trails. I wouldn't have seen near as many trails and found a great group of guys to wheel with, without the help of everyone here.

Thank you guys and happy thanksgiving!!

GO PANTHERS.... I mean for the first round draft pick of course.
Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!! ...a little bit late in getting around to it... busy morning. Turkey day for my crew will be on Saturday due to schedules, etc.
Granny, you been out testing your new buggy?