Harbor Freight Coupons & Discounts


Sep 28, 2009
Concord, NC
I buy a lot of stuff from Harbor Freight. A lot of people knock the stuff, but I've always had good luck and you really can't beat the price. That being said I know there are more people out there like me so I wanted to share one of my sources for discounts at Harbor Freight

The link below is a list of ALL the coupons and discounts available. You simply print the coupons off and take them to the store with you. Some of it is online only though. This list is updated on a very regular basis.

Not to mention there are 20% off coupons floatin around everywhere.
Harbor Frieight makes me sick, that place disgusts me. Everything in there is Made in China. At least in some other stores, you have the option to pay (quite a bit) more for something Made in USA, although that is getting harder and harder to do. And we wonder why our couintry is going to shit.
Not to mention there are 20% off coupons floatin around everywhere.

Check the link, there are several 20% coupons there. The insiders track club coupons are also there. There's a 6 ton shop press on sale for $59 with ITC coupon right now.