Hard top securement?


Sayer of Fact
Jan 12, 2007
Maiden, NC
94 yj, the hard top is secured at the windshield with the standard sheetmetal screws. I am looking for a better way to secure the front down because the screws just vibrate out. I know what I want to use, but I don't know what they are called or where to get them. Hope that helps get me some answers!!
You do that on all your builds, Brendon?

So... was ILOVECHEESEBURGERS Brendan for Performance Innovations posting comments under a new username? Is that why he was banned? How did the Paper Mache comment give that away?
My wife's YJ was having the same problem. I found a slightly larger screw with an included rubber/metal washer. Tightened them down, and no more backing out. I'm not sure of the thread, but I think it was an 8mm hex head. I might even have a few lying around somewhere.
i use bailing wire.....and it works great...used it on my yj when i had it and the last time i wheeled my fullsize jimmy i was givin it ALOT of skinny and sheared the 4 bolts i had in the top(yes i know theres sposed to belike 12) so it got put on with baling wire and ive stuck with that since