Harlan carnage

ok, the video is done, youtube wont let me post the videos with the songs b/c of copyright, but my pay site will let me, ill have the youtube ( low resolution copy) up within 30 mins, and then the higher resolution copy up by the morning(this one will have the music)
yeah, the high resolution copy is great with the music...im still working on getting it up, my hosting site is having problems with their server, so im trying out another one, as of right now, its at 5% in the past 5 minutes, so itll be awile.....id like to tag along with you guys again sometime and get some more shots, hopefully enough compiled eventually to make a highlight reel dvd and just mail em to you guys
My pic of the weekend, This one is my favorita. You can't tell by this pic, but the girl in the black shorts is pregnant.

These girls were hard core, definitly not the group you want to take home to mom.
My dad took it. He also did a great job getting that Rv into their parking lot.
And yes she was pushing against my neck.