Harlan KY/Word to the wise

wow, that's crazy. i had both internet on my laptop (sprint) and cell service (sprint/nextel) within 15-20 miles of harlan. dead everywhere right in that area though. not a big deal to me, i don't have anyone i need to check in with anyway.

Same. I had cell service about 10 minutes down 38 heading to 421.

I thought I remembered either you, Joel, Matt, or Baryn picking up a wireless signal on a laptop at the cabins?

Baryn's would occasionally show it as connected to something but it never would show to what and it didn't pick up a lease on an IP address. His laptop was kinda hosed up anyway.
We picked up a weak wireless signal in the parking lot of the Corner Cafe in Evarts once. Also one of the houses near the trailhead on Bailey's Creek apparently has wireless, you can pick up the signal from the road in front of the house.