Health Concerns for living near High Volt lines......any thoughts?


Dum Spiro Spero
Apr 16, 2005
Sharon, SC
Ive researched this too much to discuss.
Just looking for some other folks to throw an opinion out I may have missed.
Thee wife and I have been looking for a new home and found what we would only call our dream house, with 1 exception...right outside are high volt high tension lines running overhead...
With two kids the published data on both sides about leukemia seem relevant as do other studies we have read.
This is a "once in a lifetime" type deal if not for this fact but if we are risking our kids (and to a lesser extent our) health then it is a mute point.
I work in a powerplant. The only problems I know of through personal experience is with pacemakers. We have had guys that had to retire (1 recently) because their dr's were concerned with the magnetic field screwing up their pacemakers.
I think there was a thread on this a good while back (maybe more than a year).
IIRC there was one guy that said it caused his wife's headaches (moved aay and headaches went away).

that may actually have been me.
When we first got married we lived near transmission lines.
Wife had a spike in migraines we attributed to them that backed off once we moved.
But they recently returned more frequently than ever.

That said I cant find anything searching.

This just came about yesterday, we have been looking to move for a while down to Greenville area or slightly south.

Found a house through a friend on lake keowee in seneca...beautiful 3600sq ft and water front nice dock blah blah blah....right outside though are overhead lines....wife is ok but a tad scared for the kids sake.
Seen to many reports about it being bad. There was one about a elemetry school that got closed down because of the problems.
shit, im screwed.

i hunt on stands on high voltage lines at least twice a week from sept-jan 1.
shit, im screwed.

i hunt on stands on high voltage lines at least twice a week from sept-jan 1.

big difference between that and living there.

4 months x 2x/week x what 8 hours = 256 hours per year = roughly 10 days if you LIVE there
I dunno Ron, the slim available data on this is sketchy at best.
One big probel is that
Unfortunately, severl years ago there was a big study whic hreported the link between cancer and the high-power lines... thsi caused a big to-do about it and started all teh hype.
But it turns out, the data was completely faked, the PI was udner pressure from the backers to provide positive results. The tsudy has been completely recanted and sicne de-bunked by many folks, but the "social" damage is done.
Kind of like the whole "crazy asstronaut wearing diapers for 10 hr drive" thing, completelu unture but still social myth now.

However, here's teh more important question you need to think about - IMO what it really boils down to...
... even if everybody says "it's no problem" and you read more researching saying so...
... are you still going to spend the next 20 years wondering about it? Or wil lyou be able to let it go? And if not - how bad will the "not knowing" bother you?
What i'm getting at is, regardless of what the actual facts are, if it's going to bug you you, will that keep it from REALLY being the "dream home"? Only you will know the answer to that.
big difference between that and living there.
4 months x 2x/week x what 8 hours = 256 hours per year = roughly 10 days if you LIVE there

i know, i was playing the chicken little "the sky is falling" angle.
I grew up with high tension lines in the field right behind my house (400 yds). I lived there 23 years and I have 0 health problems. No allergies, hardly ever have a headache, hardly ever sick. I wouldnt worry about it.
the technical thing to do if you want the house is have a field strength survey done , Engineers can measure the volts/meter of magnetic and/or radio energy and then make an informed decision based on that ...I'm pretty sure there are guidelines out there someplace about volt/meter health limits.
(maybe you can get the seller to pay for the survey) :)
personally I would not given the choice. The florescent light tube outside trick more/less explains it.

please explain
You're experiencing a similar level of EMF sitting in front of your computer right now as you would at the edge of a high tension easement.

Sleep with a clock radio on your nightstand? Ditto. Watch out for teh brain cancers.

I guess I know what I'll be doing tonight!:flipoff2:
My shop is under a lower HZ high power line. It's only a 63' Easement with only 2 lines. I think I'll probably be calling BS on this one? Or I'll be discovering something cool for the kids to do one or the other?:lol:

I remember the thread. It got lengthy about 4 pages if I remember right but some folk brought up some interesting things worth searching. But nothing compared to Yager's florescent tube glowing. I'll even try to attach wires to complete the circuit on both ends and then attach the circuit to a stake in the ground or something?
I wouldnt worry about it too much.. My friends live right next to the power plant on the lake and havent had any health concerns. So they have a giant smoke stack to view with powerlines overhead in every direction. The only thing to worry about was the H20 quality.

As long as you arent eating lead paint chips you and your family are fine. Cell phone towers I would be more worried about than power lines.
What would concern me would be what you can do under, or near the lines. If they are on your property, any type of plants be it bushes or trees are limited in size. Zero buildings under them and so on.

And, can you be certain the kids won't tie a wet rope to a rock and do the grappling hook kinda thing. Or, maybe it would be a kite???
The lines are 195' above ground at the point they cross over according to a range finder.
The towers are not on property just lines overhead.
Understand no building under lines etc....not even 100% sure how much of my prperrty would be under the lines, more worried about proximity.

This is not a long term home for us, just a place we both love and something that we would buy with 50-80k in equity the day we move in.

If EMF is harmful, I am dead anyway, I have worked elec and mostly HV at that since I was 16.

My biggest drawback right now is if we move there and something (God Forbid) were to happen to one of my kids, even if not caused by that, how bad would the decision haunt us.

Im not sure where I or my wife even lean right now....just an interesting opportunity
My biggest drawback right now is if we move there and something (God Forbid) were to happen to one of my kids, even if not caused by that, how bad would the decision haunt us.
Im not sure where I or my wife even lean right now....just an interesting opportunity

You have to think about this anywhere you move. Be it a nice neighboor hood or the ghetto. You will find a downer everywhere you go. Pedafile(sp?) next door that didnt regiester. Teenager down the street that goes to fast down the road. Drug dealer next door. Creek behind your house (they could drowned in). so on and so forth.