Heat Problems & Its Cold Out HELP


New Member
Dec 28, 2009
Ignition Switch Removal? Heat Problem 1997 TJ

Ok, I got an issue if anyone can give me some pointers. I have a 1997 TJ. The heat works but it only blows out at the floor and the defrost. The vents where the most heat is received is not working, If I put the switch on the vent selections you can just hear the motor blowing hard like its working but nothing comes out the vents. ???? any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks in advance..

Ok I have another Problem, My wife lost my keys yesterday and yes the spare was on the same key ring. I called and got a replacement cylinder and keys from Advance. I took the plastic column collar off and I can see the cylinder, Does anyone know the PROPER way to remove the cylinder? Please Help
It is probably the selector switch. If it is like my 00 TJ, it is a vacuum switch. Probably have to replace it. I've had to replace mine before.
check your vacum lines(pull out glove box and you can see them, rainbow colored vacum lines)and make sure you have GOOD vacum present at the connector that plugs into the heat selector panel, then make sure the flap doors are movable and not frozen(move the arms that are connected to the flap doors by hand).
How do I replace the selector switch? Where is it located? Thanks for the advise, Im going to try these suggestions tomorrow..