Hello from Greenville!


Active Member
Mar 24, 2008
Kinston, NC
Hey guys, my name is Zach (as if you couldn't tell from the name :beer:

Just picked up a 2000 Sahara two weeks ago and its already putting me in the poor house...GOOD!
Like most others, upgraded the pos stereo and have got a set of 315x75x16 BFG M/T's (approximately 35x12.5x16) sitting in my bros garage at his house in Morehead City. My bro is Al Sirkin, previous co-owner or High Country 4x4 of Boone, so you can expect this to turn into a never ending ridiculously black hole pocket project. lol

Expect a 3.5 long arm RE kit + 1"body + 1"motor lift.
Tom Woods SYE
OME Socks and steering stabilizer
Tons of custom welding (whenever he finally buys a damn welder):Rockon:
Lots of cutting, custom things...meh. I'm gonna be broke for a while. haha

This is me buying the jeep

And its first time in the dirt (with me at least)

Hopefully I'll be able to have the lift and shocks by mid next month so it won't be dragging its ass on the ground so much...also so I can stop taking pics like this to make it look bigger!
I know from personal experience this guy is a huge :gay:
welcome and now you can stop pounding my pm on cb and start on here

You know there is a local club in Greenvile right?
I heard it burned to the ground and now his favorite club is Legends :flipoff2:
hahaha Sounds good Corey...no more pounding away...you still enjoy being the catcher??

I checked out that NCkrawler and it looks nearly inactive as hell.
ITS CORY! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and I think you and I both know I'm pitcher..............I mean uhhhhhh crap. Zach however should be up at 4x4fest @ ure so watch out for broken saharas
I checked out that NCkrawler and it looks nearly inactive as hell.

It's a little slow right now. Several folks still have their rigs down finishing the rebuild/repairs from last season. We do meet every second Wednesday of the month at Professor O'Cools in Greenville. It's a well rounded club, we've got everything from stock Willys to custom buggy's.
F' that, its Corey, now shut up bish! haha

Yeah, I'm def gonna break something, cause I doubt I'll have D44's under my rig by then. 35's are NOT gonna last. :(
Here they are just....waiting!

BTW, got rid of the bug screen...trying to figure out if I want to respray it or trash it :/
Its sure left a sh*t ton of rust stains that took about 2 hrs of me working with some compound almost completely clean it up!
btw, thats my brother in law (or whatever you call them when your brother marrys into another family)

It's a little slow right now. Several folks still have their rigs down finishing the rebuild/repairs from last season. We do meet every second Wednesday of the month at Professor O'Cools in Greenville. It's a well rounded club, we've got everything from stock Willys to custom buggy's.

Well, that makes a bit of sense. I might have to drop by one wednesday after I actually do something to this jeep
Wilh all the dealers in G-vegas.. why did you go to morehead to buy one? haha Hope they treated you right, heard some iffy things about them
Nobody had what I needed/wanted. They actually were pretty decent + the jeep drove like a champ + my brother lives in Morehead and he's the specialist that I turn too and he wasn't about to drive up to Greenville to give it the "OK".

After I get all the crap put on, we'll see if I want the bug screen on not...I might keep it even if just for the black look (the bitch is gonna be a panda when I'm done with her).
Cory, don't make me repeat PEC past threads! haha

BTW, can't remember, you've got kid # 2 already, right? How old they getting?
2 kids. 1 is 2 and the other is 1. I move fast or atleast my swimmers do. Have you talked to anyone about urefest? didnt know if you were bringing anyone and if I could suggest females.