Help me find the monkey scam story


8 lug disc brakes?
Mar 20, 2005
Jonesborough, TN
There was a story about a rich guy went to a south america village and bought monkeys for $2 each. Wanted more and offered more. Eventually the price got much higher like $20 and all the monkeys were bought. The manager said the guys wanted more. He offered to sell all the monkeys back for like $10 each and then he's buy them at $20. All the villagers paid $10 each and then the guy can't be found. In the end the villagers lost out.

My memory butchers the story, but that's the ideal. I've searched for it with no success.
Great story, bro.

Are you sure you're not thinking of the episode of 30 Rock w/the Carvel cakes?
Its a parable like tale on the bailout...I think Shawn even posted it here.
lemme check