Help Me Think Of A Movie?


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2007
High Point, NC
I am trying to remember the name of a movie I saw not too long ago. It started out with this girl walking around and she got on this abandoned bus and I think she gets trapped on there with some scary masked dude as the bus driver or something like that and there is just a bunch of blood and gore. It's a slasher/scary type of movie. It didn't have any people in it that were "famous" but it was really really good of what I saw of it.

Just wondering If anyone had any idea what it was?
It came out within the last 3 years i'd say and I can't find it on the internet.
i have never seen it, I just copied and pasted your post into google and that was the first thing to come up, lol
i have never seen it, I just copied and pasted your post into google and that was the first thing to come up, lol
wow, and to think I was sitting here typing in stuff like Scary bus movie, or bus in scary movie, stuff like that and got nothing.

thanks again.

I really love a good horror/slasher movie. I have seen all the norms. anyone that can recommend a really good horror.slasher movie?