Help Needed: Can y'all spam this douchecanoe?

Just to be clear, isn't it illegal for him to turn around and sell it as an open title?

Seems we should be having as much fun with that as anything.
Sadly it looks like the posting is down again. Buuuuut... we do have his phone number....
Surely he's interested in getting offers on a car warranty.
He'd have to get it notarized, then He & a buyer can go to DMV, & get an Instant title.
Oh yeah, he's a firefighter but used to be in law enforcement.

From a hiring notice on the airport website, it looks like their "public safety" employees are dual -- FF and popo

Public Safety Officer

The Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority (GARAA) is seeking a Public Safety Officer. Responsibilities include aircraft rescue and fire-fighting (ARFF), emergency medical response and law enforcement. Basic Law Enforcement Certification (BLET) is required. Resumes & references should be submitted to: Director of Administration and Human Resources, Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority, 61 Terminal Drive, Suite 1, Fletcher, NC 28732, or by email to: Position is open until filled. This position requires a detailed background investigation. GARAA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety Officer 11-16.pdf
everybody needs to just quit responding to him,cold turkey,Make him wonder what happened.I cant believe somebody didn't call him out of reusing the pics.
That's kinda like a dual sport bike, not the best at either world.

A friend was on in Durham back when they were dual (1970s, maybe early 80's). Said two really bad things about it...

1st, when they had a big fire, all the cops wanted to be firemen, and they'd run 120 to the scene so they wouldn't be the ones stuck directing traffic two blocks away.

2nd, you'd have a great cop that would get promoted to Sgt, Lt, Captain, whatever. Then he's in the guy charge on a fire scene. Or vice-versa, great fireman gets promoted up the ranks due to his fire service skills and training...and is totally incompetent in police matters. This time period was about at the birth of ICS, so there were no real standards for management, either. Many stories of CF's over that.