Help Please Oil Question


New Member
Sep 5, 2006
1986 CJ 6 cyl

I am out of town as you would guess and wife was driving. she heard knocking and checked oil and it was bone dry. I just changed oil a week ago. She filled with oil while i was on phone and cranked and oil blew out of the tail pipe. No site of physical leaks around engine. I have had no issues with it.
Any thoughts will be appreciated. Does anyone know who could look at it around Charlotte?

could be a couple of things, no matter what, if you heard the rods or mains knocking, damage has already been done. The problem could be a broken oil ring, cracked piston, or head gasket, head gasket is less likly since it normally blows coolant instead of oil out the tailpipe, another thing that might have happened could be a stuck pcv valve. it should have been smoking bad if it was burning it. smoking if it was burning it, hopefully the noise she heard was the lifters chattering and not the rods or mains.
We will be happy to take a look at it if you want.
Give me a shout if we can help
I could look at it sometime also give me a call I work at honda on south blvd. Blake 704 264 4973
I would say a compression test is in order. If that checks good, then anything connected to the crankcase is suspect (PVC, etc).Crankcase blowby is a really bad sign of something seriously wrong in one or more cylinders. Its possible a bad head gasket can allow cylinder compression into the crankcase also causing the blowby. Hole in center of a piston from detonation is possible (have seen one) as well as a cracked piston and ring problems. Start with the easy stuff and work your way down to more timely and costly investigations. Consuming that much oil, something will be very obvious.

Best of luck. :beer: